Author Topic: Diagnosed with AN in june. met best docs from east coast  (Read 2524 times)


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Diagnosed with AN in june. met best docs from east coast
« on: August 15, 2014, 08:21:09 am »
Hi everyone. I have been diagnosed with AN in this june. I have not decided about the doctor. But i have met pretty good docs till today so wanted to discuss here so that it can be helpful for others. Well size of my AN is 1.2 cm which is relatively on smaller side. First we met Dr. Wilcox from Jefferson and he was a great guy. He suggested translab. Then we saw Dr. Tamargo from John Hopkins. He was excellent doc with lot of experience. I was really ready to go with him but he wanted to do Retrosigmoid which has good chances of having post headaches. SO i passed on him. But i still wish if he cud get agree on translab.

Then we Met Doc Sisti from NYC . He was great as well but he does radiations if AN size is less than 2.5 cm. So i dint want to wait in that case to grow my tumor to 2.5 cm :)

We met Doc Dr. Philip Gutin as well. He was good  as well but not that great and he suggested Retro as well. Permanent facial damage was lil more in his case.

Dr Evan from Jefferson --- we didn't feel confident enough for our case. He also suggested radiation.

Finally Dr. Golfino and Dr Roland ......Best docs but nt grt than Dr.Tamargo in my opinion...Most likely we are going with Dr. Golfinos and he will be doing translab.

Last dc we gonna meet is Dr Freidmann from USC and Dr Brackmaan from House. House is out of network for us but lets see...
If we find LA docs are better then we will move ahead with them other wise Dr. Golfino from NYC.

I hope this info abt docs would help someone. If you have any questions please message me . i will provide my cell number also and you can call me as well. Tc and many best wishes.

WIll update my exp from LA
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 07:06:50 pm by mot83 »