Author Topic: MRI Question - Possible acoustic neuroma  (Read 4910 times)


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MRI Question - Possible acoustic neuroma
« on: August 17, 2014, 07:25:36 pm »
Hello, my mum was sent for an MRI on Saturday for a possible acoustic Neuroma.  She has hearing loss in her right ear, and her ear always feels blocked.  She has slight balance issues, therefore the doctor sent her for an MRI.  After she had the MRI they have her the pictures and have said that she can go back in a few days to pick up the written report.  Are we silly to be thinking that because they gave her the MRI pictures and have said she can go and collect written report that she probably doesn't have an acoustic neuroma or are we getting ahead of ourselves. 
Thank you in advance for reading this and a reply if you do. 


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Re: MRI Question - Possible acoustic neuroma
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 06:22:51 am »
Hi concerneddaughter and welcome to this forum .....

Every doctor/medical facility has their own protocol for how they handle MRI CDs and reports so it is very difficult to say whether you can relax or not.

In my case, the first time I had an MRI showing my acoustic neuroma, the technicians said nothing, gave me nothing, and told me my doctor would have to tell me my results.  My next appointment with him was two weeks later.  When he did not call me, I falsely assumed I was in the clear for anything abnormal on the MRI.  I was completely shocked when I went to the appointment and was told the MRI had shown a 2+ cm acoustic neuroma.

Since that horrible experience, I go back to the imaging facility whenever they say the report will be available (usually 24 hours later) and pick up my own copies of both the CD and the report.  In the US, it is legal to do this.  Not sure about elsewhere.

You can usually put the CD into your computer and look at it yourself.  I would not advise this because there are many blips, white and dark spots that are rather meaningless unless you know which cuts to look at and what to look for.

Many thoughts and prayers.  Let us know what the report and/or the doctor says.

Right MVD for trigeminal neuralgia, 1994, Pittsburgh, PA
Left retrosigmoid 2.6 cm AN removal, February, 2008, Duke U
Tumor regrew to 1.3 cm in February, 2011
Translab AN removal, May, 2011 at HEI, Friedman & Schwartz
Oticon Ponto Pro abutment implant at same time; processor added August, 2011


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Re: MRI Question - Possible acoustic neuroma
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 10:53:18 am »
My first MRI experience was like Clarice's. I didn't get the news until my appointment with my ENT. After that I got the CD and learned that the CDs could be gotten immediately after the MRI. Since then, after the MRI, I go back to the reception desk, fill out the form and get my CD. Then I go home and put it on my computer.

Frankly, I wouldn't hesitate to look at the CD as soon as I could and I would encourage you and your Mom to do the same.

But first go to Google Images and google MRI Acoustic Neuroma and you'll find many images of MRI scans showing ANs of various sizes and shapes.

Once you know where to look, it won't be hard to spot one if she has one.

MRI images often have centimeter scales on the bottom and side of the image so you can get an idea of the dimensions of the AN.

3/15/18 12mm x 6mm x5mm
9/21/16 12mm x 7mm x 5mm
3/23/15 12mm x 5.5mm x 4mm
3/13/14 12mm x 6mm x 4mm
8/1/13 14mm x 5mm x 4mm (Expected)
1/22/13 12mm x 3mm (Gamma Knife)
10/10/12 11mm x 4mm x 5mm
4/4/12 9mm x 4mm x 3mm (Diagnosis)

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Re: MRI Question - Possible acoustic neuroma
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 07:41:51 pm »
Those were exactly the same symptoms I had before. First MRI it was read as normal. However when I finally got to another Dr. he asked for another(3 years later) and there it was a 2 cm AN. It had grown 7 cm. in the last three years and my hearing was all but gone. I got a copy of the 2nd MRI the day it was done and they sent the report to my Dr. He called me the next morning at 7:30 a.m. so I knew something was up. We looked at the first MRI that was read as normal and the AN was there all that time. The radiologist missed it. Anyway... got into a great Dr. who saw me in two weeks and I had it out less than 2 months. I am doing great except my eye is a bit dry and my saliva is in short supply, and my face is a bit weaker on the right (nobody notices but me). These are very minor problems. Yes you can get your MRI and report if you sign for them. If there are questions get a 2nd or 3rd opinion if you have have to take care of YOURSELF. Good luck. Hopefully by now you have results.