To all who replied, thanks for the words.
Having others to discuss this with is a help. My wife is a systems analyst, has worked around the medical world, and is fairly knowlegable, but is don't think she gets it. I wrote her a note the other night as to why I am so grouchy. When we discussed the note she told me that that is the way she feels daily. (She suffers form depression). I believe that she understands the depression, but not the detachment or loss of ability to concentrate.
I started noticing that I felt different, (detached with difficulty concentrating) about a year ago when I took my current job. It took me forever to learn the names of my staff and I still am learning the systems that they function under. The only way I am aware of the policies that we work with is that I undertook the task this year of updating and rewriting the policy manual. I took me forever.
I have a scheduled surgery date of January 10. I chose to put if off for many reasons that I won't go into now. My surgeons were comfortable with that. My little parasite is 18 x17 x 16 mm, but is is sitting on and compressing slightly my brainstem. It is had for me to connect to the fact that someone is going to open my head and play with my brain. so, in order to prepare for the day I am now walking 2-3 miles daily. The better shape I am in, the faster I will heal. I don't know if I could be out of work for more than a month because I am a workaholic.
For debisda1 and han nah, sorry, but welcome to the club. For Kathleen Mc and Obita, thanks for the information.
Having been a NeuroSurgical nurse and having worked with AN patients gives me a different perspective. I have a nurse friend that came to work with me about 1 year ago. She wasn't her smiley happy self and I asked her what was wrong. She told me that her husband had been diagnosed with an AN. My comment to her was "I'm sorry, but if you are going to have a brain tumor, the AN is the one you want. It can be treated with a good success rate and fewer complications that the other options." When I got my diagnosis, I called her to ask about her husband who had an extended time off work, but now back to work and doing well. I told her my news. She told me that if you're going to have a brain tumor, the AN is the one to have. That it can be treated successfully. I told her I remembered saying that to her, now I just had to convince myself.
Still workin' on that one...:!