We met with a neurosurgeon in Charlotte, N.C. on Wednesday. We felt fairly good about this, but I did have some concerns I wanted to get feedback on. My husband has a 3 CM An. When we asked about the length of the surgery, the Dr. said maybe four hours. I quizzed him on this, saying I'd read about considerly longer surgeries for this size of tumor, often in the 8- to 12-hour range or perhaps even more. His response to this was that he and his neurotologist had gottern “so good� at this that they were able to do this surgery in that time, although he did acknowledge that there are unknowns that won't be known until they begin the surgery, which could affect things, and mostly notably, he said, was the stickiness of the tumor. We asked about a second opinin and he wholeheartedly recommended another doctor in Raleigh, N.C., he offered his opinion on the docs at Duke University and he seemed fairly up front about most things. But the four-hour surgery seemed short to me  we are new at this, though.. He did say he's done 350 or so of these surgeries in 14 years, about 25 a year. I wondered: Is that enough to be “so good� you can do it in four hours? Thoughts?
(P.S. We do plan to seek a second opinion and possibly a third.)