3/1/06 is my 2-year anniversary for surgery. I will regret having the surgery for the rest of my life. My woes are not in any statistics for the surgeons.. as is often the case. Buyer beware.. of surgeons who are also Psychologists and Expert Witnesses.. Beware of doctors Soliciting to Lower Caps on Mal-practice Suits! if something goes wrong, You become the Enemy, and the better they are the worse it is for you if they mess up, which they often Do!ÂÂ
People can be above the law in any profession. It is VERY difficult to present a mal-practice case and THEY KNOW IT. The harder they work to attain their status, the harder they will defend it! Beware of doctors who do good because of their own status and not because they care about their patients! I am on the east coast, so I didn't know I could have gone to the House in LA. Things could have worked out much better than they have.. but that's not how it happened.ÂÂ
The surgeons who I entrusted my life to, hurt me Terribly.. like it was Nothing to them! I was told people are afraid to go against them because they don't want to lose their jobs. What kind of justice is that? When to do right, you could lose your job? Who's calling the shots? It ain't me..
Here's what I was told by the surgeon just 7 months after major surgery when I thought I was having a Stroke! He said, "you coming to me with this is like you coming to me because you're pregnant.."  A "respected" surgeon said that to me!! Within two months he terminated our patient/doctor relationship because of lack of respect and trust.. oh really? I trusted them with my future..
