It is two years since my acoustic neuroma was removed. My facial nerve was affected and in my recovery, my left eye did not blink, my face had paresis issues. At about six months I started with some facial exercises,, because the doctor said, now I had something to work with.
It is a slow slow process, but my face has gotten better. At rest it looks normal. I feel every facial expression I make on the left side-it is just a stiff feeling there and my smile does not go up quite as far, and my eye narrows a bit on that left side. However, at one time, after the surgery, there were no wrinkles because my muscles and nerves on the surgery side were being weird…but guess what? The wrinkles are coming back, very slowly, so I have to think the nerve is getting better.
Be patient and try to stay heartened. God bless. Mil O'B