It’s such a fine line between wanting to Botox it all away and trying to gain some permanent control over the movements. I am 18 mos post-surgery. I got some Botox twice when the synkinesis started, and it was really nice except when my eye wouldn’t close fully again for a short time. I saw Jackie Diels in Sept, and she wanted me completely without the effects of Botox so she could really see what all was going on. I haven’t had it in 8 mos now, so this is the real me. It’s extremely hard, mental work trying to control movements you have absolutely no control over. Massage has been my friend much more than trying to separate facial movements. I just have to have faith that the very small, subtle improvements will eventually become larger and more automatic. And I do plan to get some more Botox after I see her again in January. So I’m sorry I don’t have better suggestions—just support and understanding!