Just because her surgery wasn't in the top 10 or 20 worse things that can happen to a person it doesn't mean she shouldn't write about how it affects HER! She didn't know what the outcome would be, that's scary! I would assume most people are thinking mainly of themselves right before the surgery as they are the one going through. When you reach that point yourself and are no longer in watch and wait, please feel free to write your feelings. I'm sure there are people that are willing to read what you say no matter what it is or if they agree, hopefully they won't feel the need to make negative comments about what you write. Jill
Thank you for posting your response in a thoughtful, respectful way. You are entitled to your opinion, and I'm glad you posted it here. That's what this forum is for, and that's why the OP posted the article in the first place.
If some people respected MY RIGHT to comment on the article in the first place, I wouldn't have had to report another members post to the moderator.
As for your point about her article, I can see your point about the level of difficulty that AN surgery can cause in one's life and as to how much of a "big deal" it can be. While I don't think it's a trivial matter, I don't place the level of importance and doom on it that some do.
But, I think you are attributing something to me that I never posted. In all fairness, with the group-think and hyperbole that proceeded your post, it can be easy to loose track of things. I never said she shouldn't have written the article. What I said was that it was poorly written and that I don't find her, or her story, interesting enough to bother finishing the article. Hey, I think Charlotte Bronte is full of hot air too. It's my opinion. When I was questioned on it, rudely, I supported my opinion with stories, both mine and those of others I have met, that I DO FIND COMPELLING. I'm sorry, but having met Elie Wiesel and heard what he had to say, having met "Dutch" Van Kirk, I think her story is pretty mundane and poorly told.
Since the original post contained an opinion on how good the article was, I think I am entitled to post MY OPINION as well.
As for how serious these AN matters are, yes they are serious. But, let's not take ourselves to seriously. In the end of it all, we will be put UNDER the grass. We will be worm food or ashes. Also, I have news for some on this board, EVERYBODY GETS SOMETHING. This society has gotten so focused on every news anchor's suspicious lump that we have lost sight of the fact that a generation or two ago, everybody knew everybody gets lumps, blood diseases, coronary issues, emphysema etc. Did you really think you'd live forever without a single scary health issue?
So, some can enjoy this woman's article about herself, I don't find her interesting. And, I'll choose to admire people who focus their efforts on others more than I will admire those who focus on themselves.