I also have BAHA 4 connect (abutment not magnet). I had my surgery Oct 31 2014 and was activated Dec 26. I did not have a painful surgery or recovery,, it all went very well,, however, I am disappointed in the quality of hearing I am getting so far. As you say, the phone clip is pretty useless really,, except that you can Bluetooth it to the radio and use phone hands free. That's nice. But I am pretty dissatisfied with quality of hearing or in particular ability to understand conversation with processor. You can hear noise alright but I can not even understand a waiter standing next to me on that side. Very disappointed.
I had hoped with time my brain would adjust somewhat, but not much is changing and I've had one visit to audiologist for fine tuning already..I am going to make an appointment with another audiologist and see if she can help any..
I was SSD for three years before I got it so I guess I've just gotten used to hearing out of left ear! I still constantly turn my left side towards speaker to be able to understand person. Today I am at home and did not even put it on.
Maybe with more time it will get better. There are many on here that love theirs but I can do without mine just about as well! Sadly,,, sorry you are having so much pain with yours,, seems like you were activated pretty soon after surgery but maybe that's because its a magnet and not abutment .
Good luck and let us know how you get along,, I can't imagine why you would have spasms in jaw area either???