As others have mentioned there is good news on this site, but you have to look for it as many people come to this site and move along when things get better. Most of the people that posted here when I started posting 8 years ago have moved on to other things in their lives. I've been told that some of them still get together on facebook, I don't have an account so don't know for sure.
I still read the posts so I can try and help those that have just started their AN journey and to keep my eye open for new information that can help me. If it wasn't for this site I probably wouldn't be working now, would have filed for disability and would be existing not living.
I was 35 when I found out I had an AN tumor, scheduled for surgery 6 weeks later. Two weeks after diagnosis I broke my leg and was in a non-walking cast for 3 months. Married with 2 young boys to take care of. I was suppose to have a pre-op visit but couldn’t make it because of the complications with my leg. The day before my surgery I found out that I had a facial nerve tumor rather than an acoustic nerve tumor. They would be severing the facial nerve. It would take about 6 months before I would see any change in my facial movement. They told me my eye wouldn’t close or tear but I should have tearing after a while. They said I wouldn’t be able to drink out of a straw. When I woke up after surgery my eye closed most of the way when I closed my other eye, eye didn’t tear, still doesn’t. Tried to drink from a glass while eating dinner, couldn’t do it. My husband suggested I try a straw, I told him they said I couldn’t. He got me to try it anyway, sure glad he did, the straw worked just fine. My point here is that every surgery is different and so is the outcome, the doctors can tell you what they think will happen but they don’t know what will actually happen.
I know it’s hard but you have to wait and see how your nerves recover. You had a big tumor but they didn’t severe the facial nerve so you should do ok. My nerve as I mentioned was severed, at rest my face looks normal, grin fine, smile not so good. Perhaps there are surgeries I could try to improve my smile but to me it’s unimportant, I smile with my eyes and with what I say. My main issue was my eye not tearing, it became very painful and expensive. I have the scleral lens that Sara mentioned, got it 2 years ago. Found out about the lens on this site, none of the eye doctors I had seen knew about the lens. No more pain or spending $4000. a year on ointment!
Yes dealing with this can be depressing, I’ve thrown a few pity parties. Life is good now, married 38 years, 23 years since my surgery, worked at the same job for 20 years. Wish I hadn’t had a tumor sure! Kept me from enjoying life, no way!
We are here to help you tell you too, no longer need this site! Jill Marie