Last summer I noticed a big difference in the hearing in my right ear. I scheduled a hearing test and the doctor confirmed a significant loss in the right ear, minimal loss in the left. We talked at that time about the possibility of AN but decided it was too early to be concerned. I have been a volunteer firefighter and first responder for years, worked fire rescue at the local racetrack and have been an emergency dispatcher wearing my headset on the right side. And let's be honest, I'm 44 years old!!!
I was fitted with a hearing aid in my right ear in mid-august. It was amazing the amount of things I could hear again. Then while I was sitting at work on October 31st, my right ear went totally dead. I really thought my hearing aid died. I changed the batteries and tried all kinds of things and still couldn't hear. I called the doctor right away, and he started a prednisone burst. Within 6 days the hearing had returned to normal. But he wanted to get the MRI just to eliminate the AN. Well, that didn't work out very well. Since my local hospital isn't equipped to deal with these, I was sent 2 hours away to meet with the doctors and surgeons there. I have a very small AN, and we all agreed that watch and wait was the best course of action.
So since that has been our decision, I have had to go on the prednisone burst again for muffled hearing, vertigo and headaches. My biggest question in all this is, am I overanalyzing my symptoms, or being cautious. I've had vertigo before. Not exactly like this, it was after a concussion, but still it's not crazy to think that I might have a touch of vertigo now and then. Headaches are pretty common for me too, after 5 concussions, trust me, headaches aren't new. But when you add all this together, does it mean that I am having increased issues, or am I being a drama queen???
My husband thinks that once we made the decision to watch and wait, I should stop thinking about it or worrying about it. Maybe he's right, but unfortunately I don't have an on/off switch to make that happen. I'm just so used to being able to fix things and the waiting and not being able to do anything is driving me a tad bit crazy.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel overwhelmed. I want to feel better about what I'm facing and I want to understand the emotions that are coursing through me right now. And it's hard for friends and family to help me because they don't have this thing in their head.
Anyway, if you've gotten this far, thanks for reading. I appreciate even having a place to pour out my feelings. Thanks again all.
Jennifer G.
Mindoro, WI