Hi Michelle,
I don't know exactly what to say except that I am deeply sorry for what you are going through right now ,, I know exactly how you feel.. you are grieving the loss of your facial function and it is very much like a death to us. I too lost my facial function due to my facial nerve being severed during translab surgery in 2011. I Had an AN though so not sure how that differs in recovery from what you
had. I knew going into surgery that paralysis was a possibility if tumor was involved with facial nerve and it was growing through it. I awoke after 12hour surgery in ICU and was informed of nerve having to be severed.. I know what you mean by Dissapointed,,, devastating was my feeling after initial shock!
I was scheduled for a 12/7 (severed facial nerve to "tongue" nerve) nerve graft 4 days later. This was to give my face movement from tongue movements,, it has worked wonderfully. I too had eyelid weight for one year.
I am not a Dr mind you but IF Drs think you can get healing of nerve and eventual function,, MAYBE you could wait a year before doing anything as involved as what he's talking about. I was told after my graft that the facial nerve would take 12-18 months to heal and begin working. Sure enough, after about 6 months, I began to see ever so slight movements. If he only stretched or disturbed nerve,, PERHAPS,,You would have some hope of healing with some time and BUNCHES of patience,, VERY slow process. I did have the EMG after graft early on and it showed slight response but enough Dr knew graft had worked and nerve would in time..
Today,, over three years later, I have pretty good movement, facial tone, and symmetry. To look at me at rest, I look pretty good,, when I speak though I talk like a pirate as I like to say ,, I do have Botox around my eye every three months or so to help with synkenesis and it has helped greatly.
I wish you well,, it is hard to hear and deal with at first and I sympathize with you and your husband.
You can PM me if you like and I will be glad to talk with you. Take a little time to adjust to this I would say before doing anything. Maybe there is someone else who will post that has had the same type tumor who could help you a little more. There is hope , believe me, but it will be a very slow process that you can not rush. Nerves heal very slowly and at their own rate,,, please let us know how you get and what you decide to do. Your Dr was not very empathetic today in his delivery of the news. It's ok to have your say with them too by the way! They need to hear sometimes from patients just how their words affect us!!! My thoughts and best wishes to you both!