Hi marciea06 and welcome to this forum .....
If you have not already done so, I hope you send for the free informational material from the ANA (see
https://www.anausa.org/contact-us ). It contains a wealth of accurate, important information.
Your doctor in Knoxville is absolutely correct to get multiple opinions on treatment. There are a number of doctors around the country who are very experienced in treating ANs and will give free evaluations based on your MRI and audiogram (if you have it).
Dr. Allan Friedman at Duke is a well-known neurosurgeon who operates on brain tumors. His specialty is in invasive brain tumors. Acoustic neuromas are in the category of skull-based tumors. Both types require going through the skull, but involve different surgical techniques.
Some experienced acoustic neuroma doctors I know, who do free evaluations:
Dr. Rick Friedman at USC in Los Angeles. See:
http://www.keckmedicine.org/rick-a-friedman-md-phd/Dr. Steven Chang at Stanford. See:
https://med.stanford.edu/profiles/steven-changDr. Marc Schwartz at House Ear Clinic. See:
https://www.houseclinic.com/consultation/acousticneuromaThere are many other doctors (University of Iowa, Mayo Clinic, Mass General, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,etc.) who would be excellent, as well. The important thing is that they have vast experience specifically treating acoustic neuromas.
Let us know any other questions you may have.
Thoughts and prayers .....