I am about two and a half weeks into trial with PHONAK AudeoV70 and BICROSII. So far, I have found this system to be truly amazing. I am SSD in the right ear and have a 70% loss in my left. Prior to this I had been wearing Siemens Pure, which were admittedly old (about 5 years). Was told not to change aids till about 6 months post GK as hearing would likely change (which it did). I have gone from almost silence to being able to be part of things again. Not perfect yet, but we are working on getting it even better. Audio says as the euphoria of hearing once again levels out, I will become more discriminating in the sounds I prefer or can tolerate. Right now, they still seem a bit loud and there is some distortion. He has given me "Speech in Noise" and "Comfort in Noise" features and will add others as warranted. I am so delighted with what I have been given that I am encouraging all my friends who "have a hearing problem" to at least explore hearing aids. So many are reluctant. Technology today has produced very small devices that deliver tremendous results. It really is life changing. Many times our hearing loss is so gradual that we do not even realize how bad it is. Ross, if you read this, please share your latest experience with this system and how further adjustments have improved your results. I am most interested in seeing just how far we can go in improvement. Once again to Arizona Jack, it is to you that I owe knowing anything about these aids in the first place and to the fact that my new audiologist was impressed that I requested them to try. He told me, they would have been his recommendation as well. He also mentioned Widex, but we did not explore that option.
Once again, thanks to this compassionate and generous forum for the knowledge, support and friendship you extend to all of us.