I have to agree with Tony. There seems to be some anger no doubt brought on by being hurt from things people have said. The interesting thing here is, I am hearing (reading) that many of you want the recognition of having gone through (and still dealing with) such a serious ordeal. But at the same time, if everyone was tip toeing around you, treating you with kit gloves like there was something wrong with you, I don't think you would care for that either.
Overall, I think when people have made deep scars by how they treated you, or what they said, like in Pauls case, they need to be confronted, in a nice way, to let them know it hurt you, so that you can forgive them. Otherwise these things will continue to fester and make you even more sick. Getting even si not going to make the AN problem go away. I'm sure you all are familiar with phycosymatic illnesses.
Right before my surgery a freind gave me a book to read called, "You can heal your life" by Louise Hay A pretty interesting book about how your thoughts create many of the physical problems we have.
Know what it said about tumors??? "Nursing old hurts and shocks, building remorse" interesting?hhhmmmmmm?
for tinnitus it says "refusal to listen, not hearing your inner voice, stuborness"
Of course I don't take any book I read ver batim, but it definetely gives one something to think about
Patti UT