Author Topic: Extremely painful eye after surgery  (Read 4332 times)


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Extremely painful eye after surgery
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:14:38 pm »
I had surgery March 9 to remove a 30mm AN from my right side. I now am dealing with a damaged facial nerve. The worst symptom is my dry eye. I have found no relief from any drops. Wearing a chamber helps slightly but I am left with blurry vision or the chamber fogs up. I am also still dealing with balance issues and feel the lack of vision only makes it worse.  I have a follow up next week with a neuro opthamologist but they don't suggest considering surgery until at least 6 months have passed. I am also not keen on more surgery yet.

Can anyone make a recommendation as to what to do?
Right AN 3.2cm 2-27-15
Retrosigmoid 3-9-15 6 hours
Facial nerve paralysis, dry eye, balance problems
Finding a new normal...


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Re: Extremely painful eye after surgery
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2015, 08:43:53 am »
What further surgery are they suggesting you wait 6 months for? I would request an eyelid weight as soon as possible. I wish I had done one. It was offered on more than one occasion, but I think vanity and not wanting further surgery made me say no. I think it's fairly minor surgery, and it's temporary. I also feel it can help your facial nerve grow back properly (personal opinion). Taping your eye shut at night helps too. You can use "Press 'n Seal" wrap to either create a moisture chamber around the eye, or a smaller square can be pressed onto your eyelid and pulled shut and pressed to your cheek to keep the lid shut.
2.7 cm meningioma in CPA and IAC
Retrosig June 2013 resulted in Facial paralysis and SSD
6-mo post-op MRI showed 1.0 cm remains in IAC
3-yr MRI still shows no new growth!
6/2014 Baha magnet implanted; 8/2014 magnet removed due to poor healing; 9/2014 abutment installed. Hearing fine!


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Re: Extremely painful eye after surgery
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2015, 12:10:02 pm »
The surgery would be the eyelid weight and pulling the skin up so it doesn't sag. I've been keeping the eye closed with a headband, but will try the press and seal.  Tape bothers my skin too much.

I think I will discuss the weight on tuesday, next eye dr appt.  I also suffer from vanity issues but now am seeing that my health is more important :)

Thanks for the info
Right AN 3.2cm 2-27-15
Retrosigmoid 3-9-15 6 hours
Facial nerve paralysis, dry eye, balance problems
Finding a new normal...


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Re: Extremely painful eye after surgery
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2015, 12:57:24 pm »
I have terrible dry eye since my surgery in 2011.  I was a little caught off guard as I did not think I would have facial paralysis or eye issues.  I guess I was just being hopeful.  I too had balance issues following the surgery and still some today.  I do think that having goop in your eye all day can not help your balance.  I ended up getting a eyelid weight.  Not really sure exactly how much that has helped seeing that I still do not fully close my eye.  I also got a small stitch in the corner of my eye to pull up my sagging lower lid so that I could get a little more closure.  I lived on lube all day and night for a year but then Boston Foundation for Sight was recommended to me.  I have had a scleral lens for three years and I could not live with out.

I would say just wait a little while to see where your recovery goes and then look into a scleral lens.

Good luck. It is not a fun road but it does get better...or we get better at coping with it :)
Right AN 2.5cm
11/11/11 retrosigmoid surgery Drs. Barker and Mckenna MGH 16 hours
Right SSD, Right sclerel lens from Boston Foundation for Sight
Some facial weakness