Hi Linda,
I can only speak from my experience and the advice I have been given from Susan Coulson, a well respected lecturer and someone who has worked with patients who have had facial palsy for over 20 years. As i am part of a study she is conducting with the university, i am able to connect with her if i need advice or support. She has been amazing and while she hasn't supported acupuncture or osteopathy which i am also receiving she does not feel they will do me any harm. She was adamant about anything involving electric currents being contraindicated. Though i was specific in asking about galvanic therapy so you may be trying something different. I have also read a post on this forum where electrical therapy was having a positive affect for someone with facial palsy. I will take a look through my posts to see if I can find it for you. At the end of the day, we each have to do our own research and work out what is best for us in our recovery. You are also a little further on in recovery with no movement so perhaps this type of treatment could help trigger something? Wishing you all the best whatever your decision.
Eve, i was really encouraged to read your post and so great to hear of your recovery. I saw a speech pathologist 2 weeks ago who noted i had small smile movement on my paralysed side and that was such amazing news as she placed me in front f the mirror and i saw it too. Since then i have been given exercises to continue to help improve to a more symmetrical smile. Like you, my eye closure seems to be slower to catch up and i am struggling to close my eye but i am tearing up spontaneously on that side and using less drops so i see that as a great sign. Thanks so much for your advice on B12 and there has been plenty of story reading in this house so hopefully that is helping me along too! Keep me posted on your recovery and all the best. Sonia x