I think the doctor is an idiot - I have no problem saying this b/c my initial surgeon was an idiot. The canthal lateral sling will keep your lower lid tight for years - have had mine since 2009! Find yourself an oculoplastic surgeon who knows what he/she is doing. Pardon my being so blunt but I am so angry with doctors who act like God - my inital surgeion, Dr. Fred Teleschi at Univ of Miami took it upon himself to cut my facial nerve, even though my tumor lifted easily off the nerve - friggin idiot! So mamy issues due to the paralysis. I finally had a canthal laterla sling which has kept my lower lid lifted, then found out from Jill Marie (thank you!) about the scleral lens for severe dry eye & found the best doctor - Dr. Kenneth Mahler in Ft. Lauderdal, FL, who hooked me up with a scleral lens in 2013.
This trip has been a nigbhtmare for me, but we do the best we can. I wish you all the best my friend. Keep a peaceful heart, Nancy