Author Topic: Sensations in Good Ear Post Surgery  (Read 3042 times)


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Sensations in Good Ear Post Surgery
« on: June 30, 2015, 10:05:02 am »
Hey everyone! I am 12 weeks post op and feeling great! Deaf in the right ear, but it's not a big issue. Sometimes I don't even notice it!

I do have a question though. Ever since surgery. and now that I am mostly recovered I think I am noticing it more...I am having weird sensations in my GOOD ear. For example, sounds are much louder- i know this is called hyperacusis and is common. That seems to be getting better. It's the other things I find strange...I feel like my ear pops every time i swallow. I also sometimes get waves of tinnitus - like a 2-3 second burst of ringing, maybe 3 times a week. And sometimes it just feels like my ear is full of pressure and needs to pop! I know what you're thinking...get an MRI. I had my post-op MRI and I do not have an AN in the good ear. All clear there.

Has anyone else experienced this or something similar in their good ear after surgery? Am i just oversensitive and making the symptoms up because I am worried of getting another AN? Or are the symptoms due to the good ear still trying to figure out how to work on its own?

26 year old female Boston,MA
3cm AN diagnosed 2/13/15. 9.5 hour retrosigmoid surgery in April 2015 with Barker/McKenna


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Re: Sensations in Good Ear Post Surgery
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2015, 05:04:13 am »
Hi Troutbc,
I am 5 weeks past my surgery, and am also experiencing symptoms in my good ear as you described.  My neurosurgeon was able to preserve my hearing on the tumor side, and I'll have it tested next week when I go in for my first post-surgery follow-up consultation.  I have pretty loud tinnitus almost all of the time in that ear, and it also becomes very muffled at times, but that comes and goes.  I did have a brief 15 minute period about a week ago when it seemed that I was hearing perfectly fine out of the "bad" ear, so I have hope that my hearing may return to normal on that side some day.  I feel very blessed and fortunate to have any hearing on that side at all.

With regard to your question and my good ear, I get occasional tinnitus on that side too, but it usually is only for a brief period of time - sometimes less than a minute.  The hearing in that ear will often sound like it's muffled too, and that sensation can persist for long periods of time.  However, I think it may be a "phantom" sensation because I can snap my fingers next to my ear when it feels that way, and can hear that just fine.

I also experience popping in both of my ears sometimes, like the pressure is trying to adjust.  I also occasionally get a clicking sound, similar to the popping, but seemingly centered and "heard" inside my head rather than being heard within my ears.

The other hearing issue I had, which came on about a week after my surgery and lasted for a week or so, was that I heard people at a higher pitch than normal - almost like they had inhaled a bit of helium.  Their voices weren't super high pitched, but just higher than normal enough that it was definitely noticeable.  Some voices also took on a "mechanical" or "robotic" sound - like I was hearing multiple pitches at once.  Both of these effects occurred in both ears, and were very strange.  As noted, these effects stopped happening after about a week.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 05:06:07 am by JNelson24 »


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Re: Sensations in Good Ear Post Surgery
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2015, 08:08:21 am »
Thank you for the response! I am just seeing this now. My "good ear" sensations keep changing, but the 'tinnitus' is still there! It is now completely different from when I first described it. Now it is only when I wake up in the morning, I feel a "vibrating" or very very subtle thumping, but it goes away the second I sit up. Very strange. MRI is clean. The "popping" still happens, but not as often. My doctor told me it is likely just my brain and good ear still adjusting. I'll try to not worry about it unless it becomes worse or my hearing diminishes. I do the same thing with the finger snaps! My hearing is fine and I can hear on volume level 1 in my car when on the highway :)
26 year old female Boston,MA
3cm AN diagnosed 2/13/15. 9.5 hour retrosigmoid surgery in April 2015 with Barker/McKenna