I've had trouble with not being able to stay on top of as many issues as before. Where before surgery I was able to keep track of things, now it's easier to have stuff slip away from me. It's like I can only think of 6 things at once. If number 7 shows up, one of the previous items has to leave to make room. Most perplexing.
I've noticed most of my problems with typing. I'm self taught, which I know isn't the best way to learn to type, but it's certainly worked well enough in the past. Before surgery, I was reasonably good, maybe 35-40 WPM, and not many errors. Now, my fingers seem to have a mind of their own. They wander around, with sometimes little to no response to input from me as to what I'd like them to do. Not only do I hit the key next door to the one I'm aiming at, I hit wildly inaccurate keys as well. Transposing, typing words completely backwards, adding letters, weird spacing, I've seen it all. Sometimes I think it's like there's a little time delay between brain and fingers, and the gremlins use that gap to get in. In fact as I write this, I'm laughing so hard I'm almost in hysterics. I'm trying so hard to get it right the first time and the harder I try the weirder it gets and the more errors I have to back up and fix. Can't seem to figure out how to get this genie back in the bottle! I try real hard not to let it bug me, as most of this stuff is a grossly exaggerated version of inaccurate typing in the "before" days. So far it's resulted in slower typing, but I refuse to give in, or to cheat by looking at my fingers as I type.
Hope I didn't put anyone to sleep, this has only taken 5 minutes to write, and another 15 minutes to correct!