I feel so much better after reading these posts! I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my brain... now I know. My balance and hearing nerves were cut during surgery, 4 months ago. I can walk... but I look odd and feel like I'm marching.
Often times, words don't form correctly in my thoughts, then they get confused coming out of my mouth. For instance, if I'm thinking of 2 ways to say the same thing, like "I'll order the pork chop" and "The pork sounds good", it comes out "I'll good the pork."
Sometimes, I can't even find the right word. Instead of it being "on the tip of my tongue", I don't even know what letter it starts with, or what it sounds like. Meanwhile, I'm deep in thought and the conversation is stalled.
Pre-surgery, I had a knack for remembering, especially numbers. I could recall license plates and phone numbers easily. Now, I frequently forget what I was doing, or why I went to other room. I remember a few days later and think OH YEAH.
My surgery was 14 hrs, so I was under ansthesia for a long time. Is that the root cause?