Well, the bad news is that the diving in the Keys isn't the quality trip it used to be. But I also hit the FL springs, which are REALLY nice and I went to the annual caving convention in Huntsville, AL (and got to do a couple of short caving trips). The Keys problem is an environmental problem I think.
Back to business: I went to see the surgeon in Morgantown yesterday and I learned a lot. FINALLY, I got a doctor to talk to me.
My tumor is very small--about 5 by 9 mm in size. My surgeon said that these things sometimes stop growing on their own, and--because mine is so small--he said that we should wait a year and do another MRI. This will tell us if it is growing, how fast it is growing, and, if we use the Gamma Knife, it will tell us how effective that treatment will be. He said there are three options on cutting and has set up an appointment for me with another surgeon in August, and he has also set up an appointment with the Gamma Knife Guy in late July.
He says I should be able to do all the things I was doing before, including scuba diving, after the surgery; however, he said that I might not be able to do them so good. That's another reason he wants to wait a few years before cutting--because I'll be coming up on 60 and won't be doing all these things so good then anyway.
And he said I am in a small percent of the people in that my hearing "went bad" virtually overnight. Most people's take months or years, and they don't notice the effect.
I also discovered I have a caver friend who had the same problem a few years back. He was in the hospital for three or four days and was able to hike and climb by the end of three weeks. He has totally lost the hearing in that one ear, but he can still rock climb, mountaineer, downhill ski, hike, backpack, and cave, although he says he has some slight loss of balance with high-speed skiing and has to limit his caving to 18 hours or so.
That's about it. I just wanted to bring everyone up to date because you all have been VERY good about answering my original post and saying positive things.