I know this subject hasn't been discussed for awhile and I forgot about it until today. There is severe ear-crackling constantly in my "good-ear."
I've recently (actually just) visited the ENT a few days ago. I had pressure build-up in my "good-ear." I started on Nasonex again for about the last week.
What concerns me is, my MRI tomorrow. I hope it's Okay to endure those loud sounds from the MRI with, my left ear making those strange sounds for whatever reason. Perhaps the pressure build-up just opened; I really don't know.
I was told I'm nearly deaf in my right ear now; a big change since my last audiologist visit. I was told I'll be fully deaf in that ear, quite soon! All I have to get by, is my left ear. It also concerns me that even though I will use my musician's earplugs during the MRI, everytime we have the loud sounds, they penetrate the cranium and are heard. (maybe damage to the "good-ear;" some hearing loss due to so many MRI's, drills in my dental profession, confirmed by my audiologist about the loss of hearing on the left side---certain whine sound causing that particular loss also ie: skill-saws, etc.)
I've been going every six months for an MRI, the past two years . Including the initial MRI, this makes my 5th brain-scan series.
This crackling I have in my "good-ear" is much louder and all of the time, not like 25 months ago, when I posted at the beginning of my AN journey. I'm hoping it won't be dangerous for me to have the MRI tomorrow at dawn. I might mention this to the tech who does my MRI.
Does anyone have any suggestions or comments on this? (about possible dangers of the MRI sounds in my current "good-ear...........crackling condition") This time around, my ear doesn't crackle when I swallow or move my head, abruptly.
If I touch the ear-lobe it make those loud sounds. Even the wind blowing caused it to crackle various pitches and loudly.
Much appreciation for any thoughts on this. Over two years ago when I posted, it was about my AN ear!
Thank You,