NOVAGIRL...Thank you very much for your post! It is very encouraging to read successful outcomes regarding cyber knife for treating acoustic neuromas. I too will likely be seeing Dr. Chang at Stanford in 2016 for the cyber knife treatment. I will be 42 at that time. While my AN is considered small, some doctors have expressed concern that since I'm not "over 80" that I should consider one of the three microsurgery options instead. I'm still very anxious about having the cyber knife treatment even though it's considered non-invasive.
Dr. Chang will be the host of a free webinar on Thursday, Oct 22 at 2pm Eastern time through the ABTA. I highly encourage anyone to spend the hour listening to Dr. Chang if they're considering radiosurgery. There are also numerous valuable webinars available through this fabulous ANA website.
The bottom line with having an Acoustic Neuroma is even if you're the President of the United States and money is no object, and even if you have the very best most experienced surgeons in the world, there is always a chance you may have a "horror story" and facial paralysis, eye problems, death, etc. Let's not sugar-coat it. There are no guarantees with brain surgery, or any treatment. That's why when it's my turn to roll-the-dice I personally will chose Dr. Chang and cyber knife treatment.
As they say... it is a personal decision for everyone.
Thanks again for your post and best wishes. And Dr. Chang preserved your hearing!!!