I had surgery here at Duke Raleigh with Doctors Cunningham and Fukushima. We're lucky to live so near these great doctors. At any rate, mine was 4 cm and by the time they found it, they suspected it had been there at least 15 years. My only symptom was gradual hearing loss. Surgery was about eight hours and they also implanted the first part of my BAHA aid. Everything went fine and there were no complications. They were able to get 95% of it, leaving some so they did not disturb my facial nerve. I came home after five days and didn't have much trouble with my balance. Only needed a walker the first couple of days. They think I've compensated over the years as far as handling balance on the left side instead of the right. I'm getting stronger every day. I have the ringing in the ears, but am learning to tune it out. The TV does seem to bother my eyes a bit. Has anyone else had this? It's like the picture is not steady - a little jumpy or something. Not terrible, but i notice it. My eyes are fine with reading up close - the phone/computer/ipad etc. and I can read the clock and things that are still from a normal distance across the room. All in all, I think I'm doing pretty well and glad to have surgery behind me. Also, I would add that Dr. Fukushima is quite a character and I've enjoyed getting to know him. He sent over a signed copy of his book and comic book after my surgery and I've been watching his reality show on Youtube. It's all Japanese, but I get the general idea.