i'm sorry...didn't you say you haven't had any hearing loss? why oh why would they do a translab surgery? that will be a 100% "chance" of losing your hearing. i'm not sure if you want my personal opinion on this, but i would ask another surgeon which method he/she would use. why would they start translab and then move middle fossa? for as long as i've been here (dx'd in dec 04, surgery in april 05) i have never heard of this technique.
my advice (ok..so i'm a little biased) would be to contact House Ear Clinic in LA, if you send your audiogram (very little hearing loss, right?) and your mri, they will call you for a free phone consultation (it wouldn't hurt, really) it doesn't necessarily mean you have to go there, but these guys are very skilled in acoustic neuroma removals (something like 3-4 a week) and at least you would get their opinion before you go and lose all your hearing.
i know your AN is bigger than mine was and you have more symptoms that i did, but that would make going to the best physicians all the more worth it. the two docs that personally recommended dr brackmann to me called him the "creme de la creme of acoustic neuroma removals" and one doc said "you only have one chance to go to the best doctor the first time"..well, he convinced me! and i have no hearing loss and no facial paralysis and i got to go to disneyland out of the deal!
please do yourself a favor and get another opinion on which method is the best for you...there could be a chance to save that hearing, but you'll never know unless you try.