Hi, my husband (Age 40 Years) detected with left sided intra canalicular AN with 4.2 x 3.4 mm in its dimensions in Aug 2014. Audiometry showed moderate- severe mixed hearing loss in left ear. In right ear there was minimal-moderate SNHL. Doctor suggested to wait and watch with periodic audiometry and MRI tests.
In May 2015, MRI repeated and it showed small increase to 6.3 x 3.9 mm and audiomerty showed that in left ear profound mixed hearing loss and in right ear high frequency SNHL. ENT surgeon suggested a microsurgery (Translabyrinthine approach) but we decided to wait for some more time and repeated MRI again in Sept 2015, it showed 6 x 4 mm size of AN. Audiometry reports were same as earlier.
Besides complete hearing loss in left ear, my husband doesn't have any other symptoms. We consulted several neurosurgeons and ENTs. The majority of them have suggested to wait further and few of them suggested radiosugery. I will be thankful, if I will get a guidance to make a decision. I have one more doubt, since right ear is also showing hearing loss, is that due to NF2? But in MRI, there is nothing on right side.
Also I want to mention that initially Tinintus was there in the left ear but eventually it stopped.