i had the T3 surgery - Temporalis Tendon Transfer in 2007 at John's Hopkins, Dr. Patrick Byrne. I had total right sided facial paralysis, my facial nerve was intentionally cut by Fred Teleschi at Univ. of Miami. Anyway, I was very happy with the results of the T3. I am able to get a 'mona lisa' smile when I bite down. He also did a face lift to promote symmetry, so I don't have the drooping anymore. Dr. Byrne has been able to modify the surgery - I think I was the 6th person at the time to have the T3, so it is less invasive with the same if not better results. I don't know if this is the same or similar procedure as you are having, but I wish you all the best. If you can, look into Dr. Byrne , he's phenomenal. There are procedures out there that will at least give you a sense of 'normalcy.' Keep a peaceful heart through your journey....