Hi. I had retrosigmoid surgery on July 7th last year. According to the surgeon, the facial nerve was not damaged in that process, but they did have to physically nudge it aside in order to work on the auditory/balance nerve. I have had some facial numbness ever since. The surgeons indicated that it would be temporary and I could expect full recovery of facial nerve mobility. I am not there yet, although he pegged recovery for that at 1 to 5 months. Although my face does not look abnormal anymore (I can fake it), I still do not have full range of motion.
Further, in the past several weeks, I have experienced a change in facial muscle behavior. My right eye, which was too dry for months, is now weeping often and it is puffy and trying to close when my other eye is open. The right side of my mouth drools constantly, though not severely. I consulted the surgeon about this and he said this is normal. It happens sometimes, they don't know why, and will be temporary. To me, although the right eye is no longer too dry, it "feels" like a regression.
I am hoping for a sanity check on this. Can I trust the physician's promise that this is temporary and will go away on its own?
Thanks for your time.