Hi Dennis,
Yes I hear you on all the differing opinions, it's a stressful decision & I went through the same thing too. I am in Sydney Australia, and here the initial advice I had from various neurosurgeons, was to go for surgery, as you may already know, if you consult with a surgeon, they will usually recommend surgery. I made the decision to get treatment with Dr Chang @ Stanford due to his experience in CK and specifically at that time (2015) he had worked on over 50 tumors around my size, (that was 50 more than any of the GK or CK sites in Australia). Like you I was very motivated for the least invasive treatment.
To answer your question, yes my tumor was displacing the brainstem at the time I did my treatment.
Happy to chat with you if you have more questions, feel free to direct message me if you like.
Wishing you the best as you navigate this decision, this forum is an exceptional resource.