Author Topic: Worried about having an Acustic neuroma  (Read 3014 times)


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Worried about having an Acustic neuroma
« on: April 06, 2016, 03:38:16 am »
I have decided to post this and share my story with those who are worring about having an Acustic neuroma as I was one of them a few weeks ago. I was terrified and after searching the entire internet I was  convinced I have an AN. I had some of the symptoms you can have with it to, high frequency hearing loss, tinnitus, pain in my ear. Finally after 5 years decided to see an ENT consultant. He tested my hearing and advised that it was down to 70db ( only high frequency loss), there was also a problem with my voice box which looked slightly out of line. The consultant had concerns over my symptoms and ordered an MRI scan to rule out AN and possibly other tumours. I was terriefid and convinced myself there must be a tumour in my brain. I had to wait 3days for the scan and it was the most difficult time ever. I couldn't eat, sleep, I was depressed and worried. The consultant phoned me once the results have come through and advised there was no tumour nor AN however there is some inflammation in my brain that needs looking at so I am being referred to a neurologist for further checks. The reason why I wanted to share this with other people is that you can have all the symptoms that come with AN but there is always a chance the tumour is not there. So have hope.