I was told I could no longer teach due to not being able to handle stress, being highly irrational, and having a speech problem. I was tested through vr and the tester determined that the best I could do would be to work every other day a few hours given my problems since surgery. I have had 4 medical doctors one neuropsychologist, one social worker all document their findings. Social security has denied my appeal and the letter stated that the records provided indicate that I can go back to teaching without any difficulties or problems. When I talk too much my throat gets irritated and I start coughing and in turn start choking until I start gagging and throw up. Lovely trait for a teacher to have wouldn't you say? LOL I am stressed tonight and decided I'm going to call the idiot who made this determination and ask him very every so sweetly where I can find a job that requires little to no talking, has no stress, and requires no balance since I have little left I want to make sure to get my application in for consideration! Also, my eduation is thus that I can teach. It's not like you just wake up one day after teaching for 10 plus years and go..you know I think I'll become an accountant today and step right into it. Just been a rough couple weeks. I was told tuesday I made too much money on my disability (60% of my pay) that I can't qualify for state insurance help for my son. I was 189.00 a month more than poverty level over so in order to get him insurance I need to give them 120.00 a month. Doesn't matter if I have any money left over to pay the mortgage or provide food for him. Govt at work at it's finest!