Author Topic: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday  (Read 5542 times)


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Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« on: October 27, 2006, 10:02:33 am »
Hello everyone,

I just stumbled across this forum in my incessant googling, and I thought I'd join in.  I'm a 27 year old female living in Washington, D.C. but originally from NY.  I'm having an MRI with contrast on Monday 10/30 and I'm having some anxiety about it, so I wanted to post my story to see if anyone has had similar experiences and can perhaps offer some support.

I started having episodes of vertigo a few months ago.  During the month of August, my left ear felt clogged, like it had to pop, for about a week.  It was really bothering me, but it eventually went away.  In mid-September, I was out at a street fair and had a major vertigo attack.  I couldn't even stand up.  I had noticed my ear starting to feel clogged again earlier that week, and over the next few days it got progressively worse, accompanied by tinnitus.  Since I moved here recently and don't have a PCP yet, I went to an urgent care clinic that I had been to before.  I have a history of severe allergies and sinus problems, so the PA diagnosed me with labrynthitis and advised me to continue with antihistamines. 

I followed the suggested course of treatment, but it only got worse.  I was having bouts of vertigo several times a day, and my ear was so pressured I kept saying I felt like my head was going to explode.  I was losing sleep because I'd wake up with vertigo, and there was NO relief from it--lying down actually made it worse, so I'd just have to wait it out.  I also had significantly reduced hearing in the left ear.  It was becoming debilitating, and I got fed up one day and started calling around to ENT doctors.  I finally found one that could see me that day.  I went in and had an hour-long hearing test at an audiology lab, then saw the doctor.  I had hearing loss in the left ear--not a shocker--just assumed it was temporary from whatever was clogging it.  The ENT suspected Meniere's, and put me on a prednisone pack and a diuretic and advised that I go on a low-sodium diet and cut out caffeine and alcohol.  A few days aftter the appointment I started to get major headaches (I've never had a migraine but I'm assuming thats what it feels like) and I assumed it was from caffeine withdrawal, even though I only have about 1 cup of coffee a day and very few other caffeinated drinks. 

I followed that for 2 weeks and felt better towards the end--still felt a little pressure but not as much.  Vertigo had subsided.  I returned to the audiology lab for another hearing test.  Saw the ENT, told him how much  better I felt, that I thought the diet had helped, blah blah blah.  He tells me my hearing results are exactly the same as the prior test.  Wow.  So he wrote a prescription for the MRI.  Didn't explain why, just said"to rule out anything else".  I made the appointment for the MRI 2 weeks ago.

For the past 2 weeks I've been having vertigo almost every morning when I wake up.  I've been late to work a few times because of it, not wanting to get behind the wheel until I felt 100% ok.  I have an intense feeling of fullness in my ear, although the pressure is less than it was before.  The tinnitus is becoming bothersome and I have noticed pressure behind my left eye, forehead and cheekbone.  I know this might sound crazy but I actually "feel" like there is something in my head.  Normally I'd attribute that to sinus problems but I'm breathing 100% clear so it doesn't make sense.  I've been having difficulty sleeping for months now, and I'm constantly exhausted and lacking energy.  I've also been having stomach issues since this all started--not sure if it can be related, but I'm just trying to get this all out right now.

At any rate, I know nothing can be diagnosed until I have the MRI, but I needed to vent a little bit to people who might understand.  My mother is a nurse and keeps telling me I'm crazy and I have nothing to worry about, but that's not helping me.  Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for any information or support.             


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Re: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 10:27:13 am »
I agree you shouldn't worry til you know there's a reason to. The inner ear is a delicate place, and alot of issues can cause those symptoms, the least likely percentage wise being a tumor. The pressure feeling can be caused by allergies and dysfunctioning eustacian tubes, and that can also throw you into vertigo very easily. As for the headaches, what time of day do you get them? Are they in the morning? Do they wake you up?
CyberKnife radiosurgery at Barrow Neurological Institute; 2.3 cm lower cranial nerve schwannoma


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Re: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 10:28:11 am »
go ahead and VENT .. thats what were here for!

your GP or ENT is doing the correct course ... your issues sound like a tumor, but it may not

I have talked to serveral people that have had the same issues .. but did NOT have a tumor,  it turned out to be an ear infection or issue and never hear from them again. The MRI will show not only if there is a tumor , but some other ear or sinus problems..

If you do have a tumor .. come on back .. this is the BEST place to ask questions ! It wont be the end of the world!! most of us here have gone thu the panic and googling thu the night and end up here ..
4 cm AN/w BAHA Surgery @House Ear Clinic 08/09/05
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Re: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2006, 10:36:02 am »
Thanks for your responses. 

As for the headaches, they are mostly in the evening.  Although I do get intermittent aches in my forehead area throughout the day.


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Re: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2006, 12:26:07 pm »
Thanks for your responses. 

As for the headaches, they are mostly in the evening.  Although I do get intermittent aches in my forehead area throughout the day.

That's good news, not as far as you having headaches, but that tumor headaches generally are in the morning and tend to wake you up then go away as the day goes on. But that's just in general. Also keep in mind that since you think you may have a tumor, your mind may cause you to feel more symptoms because your looking for them. Just remember chances are you don't have one, but it's good to be on the safe side. Good luck. :)
CyberKnife radiosurgery at Barrow Neurological Institute; 2.3 cm lower cranial nerve schwannoma


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Re: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2006, 12:41:25 pm »

I am so glad your ENT is following through with the MRI.  It took me a year to get the proper diagnosis, but my symptoms weren't as severe as  yours.  I didn't have the vertigo.  I could have diagnosed myself had I googled the correct terminology or list of symptoms. I only searched for tinnitus.  You did a much better job of being a detective than me!  I hope you don't have an AN, but if you do, this forum offers tremendous support and information.  I'm sure your ENT is ordering your MRI with contrast....that's important to be able to clearly see an Acoustic Neuroma.  Halfway through your MRI (they are very noisy, by the way, but you'll be given earplugs) you will be getting an injection of dye.  That's the "contrast".  Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

Sue in Vancouver
Sue in Vancouver, USA
 2 cm Left side
Diagnosed 3/13/06 GK 4-18-06
Gamma Knife Center of Oregon
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The only good tumor be a dead tumor. Which it's becoming. Necrosis!
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Re: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2006, 01:00:26 pm »
I am having an MRI with contrast.  I will definitely write an update next week. 

I really appreciate everyone's responses--especially since an AN may not even be the case.


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Re: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2006, 07:14:34 pm »
Hi erinchita:

I hope you don't have an AN and you can get an accurate diagnosis soon.

If you are one in one hundred thousand people that are diagnosed with an AN per year, you came to the right place.  If I had paid any attention to "Acoustic Neuroma" while doing all the googling I did before diagnosis, I wouldn't have been as shocked as I was when my ENT called with the MRI results.  I knew all my symptoms suggested an AN but I would not even consider that it really might be one. 

There have been some people that have posted like you, had their MRI's and came back on one more time to say:  see ain't an AN.  Hopefully you can write the same kind of note next week.

Best of luck,  Kathy

Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
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Re: Hi folks...Newbie here having first MRI on Monday
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2006, 07:28:42 pm »
HI enrinchita...keep us posted on how you make out.  Hate to say it but you sound like where I was when mine was diagnosed.  I was diagnosed with the lab stuff (not sure how to spell it) and was told to wait a year it would go away...six months later I could hardly get out of bed from the exhaustion, hearing loss, and pressure in my head.  Only then did the ent do an mri and found the an was displacing my brain stem.  Sounds like they did a standard course of treatment with the prednisone but it's really better safe than sorry when it comes to the mri.  There have been a few on here who had similiar symtpoms, was told possible an, had the mri and nothing showed up.  Hard to not do but quit worrying it's not going to help.  Know we are here if you need to vent seek advice or get a hug after your get your results.