LOCAL SUPPORT GROUP MEETING INVITATIONPlease plan to join us at the next meeting of your local Acoustic Neuroma Support Group.
We welcome you to learn about the latest treatment options, to network with other acoustic neuroma patients and find encouragement and support.
Saturday, May 14, 201611:30am - 1:30pm
St. Mark's United Methodist ChurchFellowship Hall
1902 Vance Jackson Road
San Antonio, TX 78213
The church is located two blocks north of IH10,
on the right across the street from Walmart Shopping CenterTOPICS:
Non-Surgical Eye Care Option - (PROSE) Scleral Lens TreatmentProsthetic Replacement of the Ocular Surface Ecosystem (PROSE) is a
custom designed and fabricated prosthetic eye device to replace or support impaired
ocular surface system functions.
Presented by C. Kelly Olson, O.D., M.B.A., FAAO, BostonSight PROSE Clinical Fellow
Brooke Army Medical Center
Caring and Sharing The Yale University Acoustic Neuroma Study There will be an opportunity to participate at the meeting. Please read important information
regarding eligibility criteria and participation requirements. Yale Study - SG Instructions ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO RSVP,
PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SUPPORT GROUP LEADER/FACILITATOR:Priscilla Riedel-Cohan, Local Support Group Leader/Facilitator
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
The meeting will be facilitated by Priscilla Riedel-Cohan, a watch and wait acoustic neuroma patient.Who should attend? Family members, caregivers, friends and interested persons are encouraged to attend.
Benefits of attending a local support group include communicating in a nurturing, non-judgmental environment
with others who have shared a common acoustic neuroma experience; sharing information on dealing with specific problems,
overcoming handicaps and reassuring others that better times lie ahead; educating and informing each other about the latest
acoustic neuroma topics of interest; and providing emotional support to all patients, both pre- and post-treatment. This helps in
reducing the isolation and loneliness that many acoustic neuroma patients feel.