Author Topic: Facial Nerve Weakness 10 days after surgery  (Read 4118 times)


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Facial Nerve Weakness 10 days after surgery
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:20:26 am »
Hello, I had AN surgery for a 2.5cm tumor on 12 of April. Doctors said that everything went very good. My facial nerve was very good. After 10 days i experience some facial nerve weakness.
I do not know whether it is normal facial nerve weakness to appear  10 days after the surgery?

Thank you



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Re: Facial Nerve Weakness 10 days after surgery
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 09:30:22 pm »
I was warned in advance that facial weakness could happen right away, days later or months later. Mine was right away but two months later, I'm getting movement back.
37 yr old female
Retrosigmoid February 2016 at UC Health
Oops they forgot to tell me tumor was left behind
Doubled in size
Re-do Retrosigmoid at House July 2016
SSD, Facial Paralysis but almost recovered


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Re: Facial Nerve Weakness 10 days after surgery
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2016, 07:29:18 am »
I had no facial weakness right after my surgery. Bu i did have some weakness after like 2 weeks . Not severe, my left side was a bit stunned. (my smile was a little uneven, i had trouble lifting my left eyebrow all the way up)
It was kind of freaky because my face was perfect after my surgery. I did some facial exercises for  a month and it came back.
If your face was ok right after surgery, your weakness will disappear(at least that's what they told me)
try some facial exercises twice a day. (they helped me)


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Re: Facial Nerve Weakness 10 days after surgery
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2016, 10:39:49 am »
Delayed complications from surgery are somewhat common. Once the steroid taper is over the affected nerves can swell or get inflamed. The complications are usually temporary. My facial weakness was minor and quickly returned to normal. Sometimes additional tapers of steroids are necessary, you can check with your surgeon
4.7 cm x 3.6 cm x 3.2 cm vestibular schwannoma
Simplified retrosigmoid @ Cleveland Clinic 10/06/2011
Rt SSD, numbness, vocal cord and swallowing problems
Vocal cord and swallowing normalized at 16 months. Numbness persists.
Regrowth 09/19/2016
GK 10/12/2016 Cleveland Clinic
facial weakness Jan 2017


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Re: Facial Nerve Weakness 10 days after surgery
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2016, 02:55:27 pm »
I have had facial weakness for over 6 months and my eye will not close, I too had no weakness right after surgery but a few hours later had quite a bit. I have been doing a facial massage and that with time have seemed to improve it, yet no where I was prior to surgery. Stay strong!
2.54 cm tumor
TransLab @ House Clinic
Surgery 10/27/15
Numerous Post Surgery Issues


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Re: Facial Nerve Weakness 10 days after surgery
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2016, 05:15:20 am »
Thank you all for your answers. I will prefer the optimistic side. My doctor told me not to have any physio because the nerve will come to normal by its self

Greece Lover

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Re: Facial Nerve Weakness 10 days after surgery
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2016, 11:45:16 am »
I'm in this boat, too. Had surgery May 9. About four days ago starts with some weakness that is getting worse. Can barely close my eye. Doc prescribed a steroid so hopefully that will reduce swelling and bring some of it back. It's a freaky feeling and frustrating.
Vestibular Schwannoma 1.2 cm. Right side.
Middle fossa surgery at University of Iowa on May 9 2016.
Hearing saved.  Face is fine. Balance pretty darn good most days.
One year follow up MRI showed no tumor. 
Five year follow up showed no tumor, so I'm in the clear.