Hi Quailruner,
I would definately opt for the House in LA. I went there all the way from Georgia. I know you said you're not sure if your insurance would cover it or not, but even still, you can send your films to get a free opinion from Dr. Brackmann there. (Or you can order a CD of your films from your MRI facility to send off if that makes you feel better). If you decide you like him, they can talk to your insurance company for you and try to work things out. I wouldn't totally rule out the House this early in the game plan. At least get a free opinion from them! Yes, they did write that chapter. I sent my films to Dr. Brackmann initially for a 2nd opinion from an expert doctor, never dreaming I'd go way out there for surgery. When Dr. Brackmann called me 2 or 3 days after receiving my films, we talked, and I asked if he had any other information I could read. He sent that chapter to me via e-mail along with some other great information. I still have it on my computer. If you get him to review your films, he'd probably send you info via e-mail if you requested it. But the more I researched the experts in the field, the more his name kept popping up, and he could answer my tough questions. Be ready for his phonecall, and have your list of questions ready in advance.
Get the most qualified doctor your insurance will allow. Through your extensive research, you will find the best doctor for you.
Also, have you contacted the Acoustic Neuroma Association (the group that sponsors this discussion forum)? Look at
http://www.anausa.org/contact_us.html for more info. If you contact them, they will mail you all kinds of great literature (brochures) to read about AN! I found that information very, very helpful. They even have one booklet that talks about questions to ask your doctor... also, make sure to find out how many AN surgeries your doctor performs each year, etc..., and ask how many of those had successful outcomes. Your doctor should be able to answer these types of questions.