We have come to the conclusion that my husband has an Acoustic Neuroma. Last year at this time he was running 6 miles a day, 5 days a week and now he can hardly get off the couch. It has devistated our family. He is only 34 years old and recently returned from Iraq, so the military did many blood tests to see if it was related to something he caught over there. After 7 rounds of antibiotics and getting the run around, I hit the internet. It is one thing if you have one or 2 symptoms of something, but he has EVERY symptom of Acoustic Neuroma.
I am very worried about him. Now we are on a remote assignment and getting him help has been very hard. He had a CT scan with the dye.......2 weeks ago, but they say it will be another 2 weeks before we get the results back.
He has great hearing loss and has had tinnitus for almost 8 months. Then he started falling over with the dizziness. This is a man who builds houses and who could once balance on beams! Then he felt immense pressure in the back of his head at the base of his skull, has trouble swallowing, headaches, fatigue, nausea, and now the whole right side of his face is numb and his vision will go black. He has also lost almost 20 lb. he didn't need to loose.
I am afraid if this is what he has that it is pretty far advanced. We are in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and they would have to send us to Landstuhl Army Med. center in Germany or to the States.
Any words of wisdom for this worried wife?? No one seems to be taking him seriously.........but me, the one who knows him best.
He is a great husband and father to 3 who has really gone down hill. I can't stand to see him go through this anymore.
To those of you who have had an Acoustic Neuroma, do you believe this is what he has?