Hi. I had surgery for a VS Oct.2014. I was in the hospital 3-4 days. Two days after returning home I was convinced I had a CSF leak. This was later confirmed with my doctor and I was back into surgery 2 days later to have it repaired. (On call doctor at the hospital on a Saturday late night dropped the ball by telling me I could wait till Tues.) Anyway, tow things. First, my left eye (affected side) has never seemed right. It always seems to feel like there's stuffing in the socket with my eye and sometimes the vision seems off. Was referred to an ophthalmologist who diagnosed dry eye and recommended eye drops 6x/day. I'm the first to admit that I have a very hard time following these instructions, on the other hand, none of the eye drops say they are recommended for that kind of use. Second, and now of more importance, is that I feel like the CSF leak is back. I have a moist squishy sound in my left ear if I press on it (and MRI show fluid in the mastoid cavity) and sometimes on release of the pressure it feels like there's drainage down the back of my throat. On occasion I also feel a drip develop in my left nostril. Frequent salty sweet taste on left side of mouth too. This is behaving different than the first leak. (First leak - if I yawned, I would need to swallow immediately as if would feel like I had just taken a drink of water upon closing my mouth from the yawn. And the leak was more pronounced from my nose when leaning forward.) My head also feels "full" frequently, like an overfilled balloon. I am trying to track when this feeling is worse, but I'm not having any luck correlating it with anything. Neither my Neurosurgeon, or ENT believe there is anything amiss - MRI looks fine, and even if there is fluid there's no where for it to go. (the fix for the leak was to essentially drill out all the ear parts and pack my skull with wax) I am trying to gather some fluid for testing & physical proof, but it's coming so slowly I'm having a hard time. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? I am especially worried that if fluid is getting out, others can get in....and since we've been to the Atlantic, and the pools I'm a bit concerned. Thanks!