I hope you have babygirl pictures all over the place. Gee, coffee and the steriod rush together. There is loads enough caffeine in decaf so, maybe you could switch to decaf, for now. Anyway, can you take Imitrex for the headaches or something like that? On one to ten.......how bad is that headache? Are you supposed to elevate the legs for the soreness? Anyway, I'm glad to hear things are going as well as expected.
The people on the forum are wonderful. I have really good input on the neckache situation. I have tried the rest of the recommendations before posting except, the hot packs and icing the neck. I think I will ask for a muscle relaxer at my appointment in two hours. The Vicodin was prescribed for my facial pain but, it is a nasty drug that "stops you up" and I have an "eight foot longer" than normal colon. I can say that as, I haven't posted my picture and it would blush with that, truth. I found that *tid'bit* out when I had a full colonoscopy procedure. I only had a little tiny pollup and it was removed without enough anaesthetic. (awful)
Well, congratulations on your getting this far with the AN thing. GOOD FOR YOU!
Moving it to my bloodwork appt.,