To put a name to what your husband may be experiencing, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is an anxiety based disorder that we as humans can experience when we have a life threatening experience such as a brain tumor. Will cause anger to the point of rage, great anxiety, fear, sence of aloneness, sleep disorder, depression. Many people are ashamed to admit to depression to another or to even admit it to themselves, particularly men and also many think of p.t.s.d. as only for war vets or something of that nature. You're up against a great battle until your husband is ready to admit to whatever difficulty he may be experiencing. Also there is a chemical imbalance that can occur after brain surgery, not all surgeons "remember" to tell us that, and this may required medication to rebalance, short or long term. I have suffered depression, chemically, since my surgery in 1990, sometimes I am able to cope without medication but since finding out that the tumor has regrown that is not the case. I did go through counselling about 3 years after the tumor was removed the first time, I thought I was going off my rock but it was just a matter of a few sessions of venting my anger and I was much better. Try to talk to your husband or urge him to talk to his g.p., or type here.