Author Topic: Six month post-GK MRI findings  (Read 4194 times)


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Six month post-GK MRI findings
« on: November 03, 2006, 03:15:31 pm »
Jim picked up a copy of his MRI report from the hospital.  I know it is advisable to talk with a doctor about the findings, but he doesn't have an appointment until next week and we can't sit on this thing and not know what's going on.

A lot of the report is in medspeak, so of course, we don't understand it.  Jim called the GK doc's office at U of K and spoke with a nurse.  He read the findings to her and she said that the part that reads "there is a central area of nonenhancement within the main body of the lesion" means the tumor is dying. 

His tumor was 1.3 x 1.4 x 2.1 cm when he was treated in December.  Current measurements are 1.4 x 1.4 x 2.2 cm. 

Findings:  There is an enhancing heterogeneous lobular mass within the right cerebellar pontine angle extending via the porous acousticus into the right internal auditory canal.  There is a central area of nonenhancement within the main body of the lesion.  The lesion measures 1/4 cm in AP and craniocaudal dimension and spans a length of 2.2 cm from the right margin canal.  There is no evidence of a left sided lesion.  The ventricles and CSF spaces are otherwise within normal limits.  There is no sign of an intra axial mass, abnormal enhancement, cerebral edema or focus of diffusion restriction.
Dianne & Jim in Louisville, Ky.


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Re: Six month post-GK MRI findings
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 05:45:04 pm »
hi there - I'm gonna go out on a limb here, not sure if you wanted a reply, but;  I had nonenhancement of most of my 2cm tumor (only the edges enhanced), it turned out benign.....I thought if the tumor didn't enhance with contrast, it is possible it could be malignant (but not always, as in my case). 
I don't know much about post GK, I had the surgery, but I have read that the tumor does initially gain in size before decreasing.

Keep the faith, Nancy
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Re: Six month post-GK MRI findings
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2006, 10:57:31 am »
Hi Diane,

Please keep in mind, that with the measurements you are noting, there is usually a margin of error of +/-2mm, so it sounds like the tumor is still within the same size... so, I (personally) would not worry about that.  After some time, the AN may shrink in size, but the true goal (IMO) of the radio-treatment is the necrosis (tumor death of the turmor's DNA). As you know, the residual remains of the tumor will be there down the road, but it will be dead.  I know of some that their AN's did shrink a let's see what happens.

Now that Jim is 10-11 mos post treat, I have to share the same limb with the rest here that have posted... 'non-enhancement' (if it looks dark) within the body sure sounds to me like they hit the core of the AN and it's starting to suffer the necrosis! (YAY!)  The rest of the report, as you note, sounds right on track.  Please give Jim a congrats to me and pls keep us updated on what his doc says after viewing the films.

Sounds like all is going great! congrats!
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