Wel,I am the cancellation that gave you your surgery date! My tumor was squashing my trigeminal nerve, and it had become so bad that there were times no meds worked. At all. I had sent my MRI to Dr. Schwartz but he hadn't responded. So I tracked down the other Superstar, Friedman, and tried to arrange surgery ASAP. Unfortunately, Kris couldn't give me a date. First she gave one, then another, then said I could come in the day after Thanksgiving. This was maybe the day before and it was impossible. Meanwhile, Dr Schwartz phoned and I was given a firm date of Dec. 12. It was very inconvenient, as that meant I had to cool my heels in LA for 4 days, but I met some nice people at Seton so it was OK.
I immediately emailed Kris so that she could stop working on getting me an OR, but later in the day she phoned and said she had one--for the 12th! I felt bad, but had committed to House so had to go with them. I'm glad that this worked out for you. My surgery went well and I hope yours did too.