Author Topic: Schwartz vs Friedman  (Read 5920 times)


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Schwartz vs Friedman
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:20:16 pm »
Hello folks, so I did some research, and I have spoken to both Dr.Friedman and Dr.Schwartz, and I really cannot decide between the two. I've done much research on here and they have both gotten good reviews. The only difference I've really seen is Keck 'seems' like a better Center, and they have their own therapy after. Other than that, Schwartz seems to get more results when searching, but both I've never really heard of anything bad spoken about either.

For me, 3.0cm, and they have both recommended translab.

If you guys have anything you can add to help my decision, that would be MUCH appreciated.

3.0cm x 3.0cm x 3.0cm
Translab by Dr. Slattery & Dr. Schwartz HEI 11/8/16
Can move face fine but numbness currently.


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2016, 04:38:38 pm »
I don't have advice about who to choose, but do let us know how it all turns out.
Also, the Bahamas must have an incredible healthcare system if you are able to have treatment anywhere you want in the US. You have better healthcare than most Americans.
good luck with your decision.


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2016, 07:35:49 am »
I don't have advice about who to choose, but do let us know how it all turns out.
Also, the Bahamas must have an incredible healthcare system if you are able to have treatment anywhere you want in the US. You have better healthcare than most Americans.
good luck with your decision.

I decided to go with House. Also yes, we have private insurance here, so I just have to pay the out of pocket expenses which is already pretty much met, and everything else is covered 100%.
3.0cm x 3.0cm x 3.0cm
Translab by Dr. Slattery & Dr. Schwartz HEI 11/8/16
Can move face fine but numbness currently.


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2016, 03:35:06 pm »
Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I'm glad you have good insurance and can get to a good place for care.


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2016, 07:29:28 pm »
I went with Schwartz at House also and had a great result.  You are in good hands.
Dx 2.6 cm Nov 2012, 35% hearing loss.  Grew to 3.5 cm Oct 2013.  Pre-op total hearing loss, left side tongue numb.  Translab Nov 2013 House Clinic.  Post-op no permanent facial or other issues.  Tongue much improved.  Great result!!


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2016, 09:23:55 am »
I also went to House and had a great result! Granted, I was lucky enough to have Schwartz and Friedman together back at House 3+ years ago. But just to clarify for others - House also does physical therapy after. I had therapists visit me at the hospital 1-3 days post-op who got me out of bed each day to walk around the halls, do balance exercises and even walk up/down stairs.
Diagnosed Dec 2012: AN 1.4 cm with mild hearing loss and tinnitus. Surgery: Middle Fossa at House with Schwartz/Friedman on April 10, 2013. Entire tumor removed, no facial issues, no balance issues, and they preserved my hearing!! Co-leader of the Washington, DC ANA support group since 2016.


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2016, 04:07:47 pm »
Dang, nobody chose Friedman.  Well, I think I'm going to, for the main reason that Schwartz hasn't returned my phone calls.  I'll let you know how it turns out.


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2016, 12:11:50 pm »
I actually have surgery scheduled for Tuesday (Dec 13th) at USC with Dr. Friedman.  In what I believe is a God orchestrated string of events I had sent my stuff to House but felt a nudging to contact USC last Thursday because I was worried that it would take awhile to get into House.  I looked up the contact info for USC, called them at noon on Dec 1st, the patient coordinator Kris called me at 1:00.  During the call she said that they had an unexpectant cancellation and the OR had an opening on Dec 13th and offered it to me.  I could not pass it up so I took it.  My wife and I will be flying to LA this Sunday!!

I will post an update of how it goes next week.
MRI on 11/21/16 revealed AN on right side of 1.8 x 2.4 x 2.0 cm
Symptoms:  facial numbness, tinnitus, "brain fog", fatigue and general unwell feeling

Retrosig surgery at USC with Dr Freidman on Dec 13, 2016
SSD on right, facial weakness


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2016, 09:40:24 pm »
Wow! You found out about your AN on Nov. 11 and had surgery today. Hope all is well with you.  Best wishes on your recovery. 


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2016, 06:39:42 pm »
Wel,I am the cancellation that gave you your surgery date!  My tumor was squashing my trigeminal nerve, and it had become so bad that there were times no meds worked. At all. I had sent my MRI to Dr. Schwartz but he hadn't responded. So I tracked down the other Superstar, Friedman, and tried to arrange surgery ASAP. Unfortunately, Kris couldn't give me a date. First she gave one, then another, then said I could come in the day after Thanksgiving. This was maybe the day before and it was impossible. Meanwhile, Dr Schwartz phoned and I was given a firm date of Dec. 12. It was very inconvenient, as that meant I had to cool my heels in LA for 4 days, but I met some nice people at Seton so it was OK.

I immediately emailed Kris so that she could stop working on getting me an OR, but later in the day she phoned and said she had one--for the 12th!  I felt bad, but had committed to House so had to go with them. I'm glad that this worked out for you. My surgery went well and I hope yours did too.


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2016, 06:42:14 pm »
I meant that Kris had given me the 13th, not 12th. That would have been much more convenient! 


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2016, 06:31:42 pm »
How did it go guys? I had my surgery on November 8th by Schwartz and Slattery and it went great. It was a 3.0cm and they said they just left a sliver on the nerve. The only 'issues' happening with me right now are numbness of AN side of face and my eye gets dry often (don't think tears are being formed). All of my function is fine, balance is completely fine ( I think with all of the walking I'm more in shape now than I was before surgery). They handled me with great care and I couldn't be happier with St. Vincent Hospital.
3.0cm x 3.0cm x 3.0cm
Translab by Dr. Slattery & Dr. Schwartz HEI 11/8/16
Can move face fine but numbness currently.


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2016, 12:58:34 pm »
Wow, thanks for all the back story about the cancellation. It is so cool that we connected. I say my "journey" has been God orchestrated because I had my MRI on Nov 21st. Someone in an earlier reply was commenting on me finding out Nov 11. It is more amazing then that....found out about my AN in the evening of Tuesday Nov 22nd and almost to the hour three weeks later my AN was removed on Dec 13th, not to mention removed in LA 2,000 miles away from home in Michigan. I am still in awe of the three weeks.

Surgery went well. They were able to remove almost all of my AN. Had to leave a very small amount on my facial nerve out of fear they would damage my facial nerve. Dr Giannotta does not think the remnant tumor will grow because it needs a blood supply and the facial nerve has very little blood supply. So, he expects it will either not grow or could simply shrink.

I am doing well. Very tired because yesterday was travel day back to Michican. My balance is a little off, AN side of face is slightly weak and my saliva and tear production on AN side is still limited. My biggest issue is an allergic reaction to one of the drugs which caused an itchy rash on my body. We are not sure which med. Considering I just had surgery 9 days ago I am doing pretty well.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 01:00:13 pm by Richardspengler »
MRI on 11/21/16 revealed AN on right side of 1.8 x 2.4 x 2.0 cm
Symptoms:  facial numbness, tinnitus, "brain fog", fatigue and general unwell feeling

Retrosig surgery at USC with Dr Freidman on Dec 13, 2016
SSD on right, facial weakness


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Re: Schwartz vs Friedman
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2016, 09:35:29 pm »
Glad to hear you're doing well, Richard. Traveling this soon after surgery would be very exhausting!  I get to laze around until Monday, as my family is coming here for Christmas. I am also doing well, though today my ear feels full and my head is a bit sore. Same with balance--it's fine if I concentrate, but it's not back to "normal" completely. I'm confident that it will be in time. It's a process.