Author Topic: Headaches and Taste - please help  (Read 8210 times)


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Re: Headaches and Taste - please help
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2005, 11:42:54 pm »

Sorry, I haven't been in for awhile.  As far using the peppermint for your headaches, I don't put it on my forehead, I only put it on the back of my head where I had my tumor removed at the base of my skull.  I drip the peppermint very heavy on a q-tip and than dab at my head real well on my scalp in a large area where my head is aching.  I wouldn't reccomend putting it on your finger because if you were to rub your eye it is very irritating.  Hope this explains it better for you!



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Re: Headaches and Taste - please help
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2005, 10:51:35 pm »
Dear Sonshine,
I'm interested in the peppermint oil/Tylenol headache therapy.  My head pain  often, almost always feels like a deep inner  (AN) earache.  Where would I apply the peppermint oil? Of course I often feel site specific pain/discomfort along AN scar and on that side of my neck.  I have been doing acupuncture, craniosacrsl therapy, and using Feverfew and acetaminophen ("Tylenol"); when pain persists and is strong, I use Ultraset, sometimes Hydrocodone, and once tried Maxalt.  No fun when the pain takes hold.  I was very  active before,too, still find the headaches debilitatiing in terms of being able to count on feeling well enough to work or travel.  .
I still have that metallic taste in my mouth, but that is low on my list of complaints, along with hearing loss and mild tinnitus in AN ear.  What I would rejoice in is relief from head pain almost every day.  I can manage it most of the time, but it is wearing indeed.  So advice is welcome
3.5 cm AN total resection via suboccipital  April 2003 Barker & McKenna, MGH Boston one week, two weeks Spaulding Rehab
silicone punctal plugs in lower puncta for dry eye,
persistent post op head pain
Acupuncture, craniosacral treatments, Tramadol   200  reduced to 150, now 100mg. daily Feb 2007


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Re: Headaches and Taste - please help
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2005, 09:50:39 pm »

If your incision is healed over and that is where you have your head pain, in that area, is where I would dab on the peppermint, or anywhere on your head you are having pain.  Of course take the tylenol by mouth.  I don't believe the peppermint will help head pain that is anywhere other than on or just under, your scalp.  But anything is worth a try, it certainly cannot hurt you. 

As far as helping your inner earaches, I don't know how long it has been since you had your surgery but the peppermint will not help for this type of pain.  I can tell you that I also had a lot of ear pain as my AN was growing in my ear canal.  So for those of us that had AN's growing into our ear canal we will have pain there as that area heals and it could be a long while, possibly a year or more as was in my case!  Hang in there, I know it seems a long time waiting.  Eventually it should diminish, though it will seem an eternity!  Hope this helps!

Sonshine  :)