Dear Sonshine,
I'm interested in the peppermint oil/Tylenol headache therapy. My head pain often, almost always feels like a deep inner (AN) earache. Where would I apply the peppermint oil? Of course I often feel site specific pain/discomfort along AN scar and on that side of my neck. I have been doing acupuncture, craniosacrsl therapy, and using Feverfew and acetaminophen ("Tylenol"); when pain persists and is strong, I use Ultraset, sometimes Hydrocodone, and once tried Maxalt. No fun when the pain takes hold. I was very active before,too, still find the headaches debilitatiing in terms of being able to count on feeling well enough to work or travel. .
I still have that metallic taste in my mouth, but that is low on my list of complaints, along with hearing loss and mild tinnitus in AN ear. What I would rejoice in is relief from head pain almost every day. I can manage it most of the time, but it is wearing indeed. So advice is welcome