Hi everyone,
I have had an one cm AN for about 3 years now. It has been slow growing, and I have managed the symptoms as best I can. Main symptom is loss of balance. My wife and I are contemplating a trip to Europe in the spring, but she wants me to have cyberknife radio surgery before we leave on the trip. My concern is that I may experience a "new norm" following the cyberknife, which may be worse than my symptoms are now. Then we may not want to signup for this moderately stressful tour (lot's of walking).
I am looking for suggestions or recommendations from anyone that has had cyberknife and had any worsening of symptoms due to the treatment? Same thing for anyone that has had no change in their symptoms?
I am totally aware that this is my decision, I was just hoping to find out if anyone has had good or bad outcomes from cyberknife and what they would suggest.
Thank you and Merry Christmas to all!