Author Topic: facial weakness after GK  (Read 2813 times)


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facial weakness after GK
« on: January 28, 2017, 12:59:24 pm »
Three and a half months after GK for regrowth of a previous partially resected (90+%) large tumor, I started to experience weakness around the corner of my mouth on Thursday the 26th and started the 4 mg Medrol pack provided by the GK Center on the day of the procedure, Oct 12, 2016. I started the steroids before even calling the doctor's office as instructed last Oct. I was advised by the office to provide an update Monday morning when 2 days of the steroid taper remained
Last night, Friday the 27th, I could not keep my right eye closed for more than few seconds and went to my local ER where a stroke was ruled out by the physician with CT and other stroke protocol and he called my neurosurgeon at 2 am for advice. The advice was to obtain Rx for eye lubricants and continue the current steroid regimen, I was hoping for an increase in steroid dose, and update on Monday morning.
I had heard of facial weakness, or paralysis, preventing eye closure, but my lid closed fine, I had a normal blink, I just couldn't keep it closed. Anyway, once back home I was able to lie on my left side and keep my lid closed with my hand and slept a few hours. Upon waking my eye stays closed again without effort or problem and I have a normal blink.
My facial nerve was severely "thinned" by the size of the tumor and the GK team said before the procedure that it increased my chances of facial complications five fold - to 5%. Apparently the GK Center is confident that this episode will resolve in my favor after this steroid treatment, or after a higher dose 2nd one if that is necessary..
Anyone else experience difficulty keeping eye closed as opposed to closing it in the first place? Or will Medrol pack as steroid? TIA
4.7 cm x 3.6 cm x 3.2 cm vestibular schwannoma
Simplified retrosigmoid @ Cleveland Clinic 10/06/2011
Rt SSD, numbness, vocal cord and swallowing problems
Vocal cord and swallowing normalized at 16 months. Numbness persists.
Regrowth 09/19/2016
GK 10/12/2016 Cleveland Clinic
facial weakness Jan 2017