Author Topic: 12 Years Since LINIAC - Eye issues related?  (Read 1955 times)

Elizabeth Roberts

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12 Years Since LINIAC - Eye issues related?
« on: February 02, 2017, 05:12:35 pm »
Hi All,

This is primarily a question for other ANers who have had Radiosurgery as a treatment.

It has been a very long time since I was last here, so thanks for letting me back in.
I was treated for a 1 cm. Rt.-sided AN with LINAC radiosurgery at UF-Gainesville 12 yrs. ago.
By my 5 yr. MRI the tumor had shrunk and I was declared a success.
Other than severe vertigo I had no other symptoms when I was Diagnosed. The vertigo took about 8 yrs. to settle down, and I did do a couple yrs. of vestibular therapy to help with that.

Fast forward to the past 6 months. I don't have any AN-esque issues. However, I am having issues with my Rt. eye that my ophthalmologist cannot fully explain. I've worn glasses since 4th grade, and am now 49. But, in the past few months I have been having issues with something called vertical heterophoria - it's basically a binocular vision issue, where both eyes don't fully focus so you get a bit of double-vision primarily noticeable (to me) when reading. My eye doc is terrific. She knows about ANs, was super surprised I was ever able to get used to Progressive lenses because of it, and is working with me to find the best eye glass lense prescription we can. Problem is, no matter what we do, we simply cannot get that Rt. eye to focus near as well as the left.

Has anyone else had issues such as this years after your radiosurgery?

I was told by my neurosurgeon that the treatment could possibly "cause other issues in the body later on."

So, just curious.   
1 cm. right-sided AN
Onset symptom - constant dizziness
Treatment: 2004, UF-Gainesville, LINAC, no side effects
2009 MRI shows tumor is shrinking