My two cents on the "facial nerve damage". Being an avid reader on this site I don't recall an instance where the facial nerve was cut due to improper identification during the early phases of the surgery. Especially at the high volume centers, they are all extensively skilled at identifying and not mistakenly cutting the facial nerve. Before my surgery I read the internet for the horror stories with accidentally cutting the facial nerve. This is a minimal risk at the major AN center's. Normally the ENT opens the skull, identifies the facial and hearing nerves, cleans out the auditory canal, and closes the skull. The neurosurgeon will then work on the larger part of the tumor in the brain. Both the ENT and neurosurgeon will monitor the facial nerve
This does not mean facial paralysis is not a major risk of this surgery. As I understand there are several common reasons for facial paralysis:
1. Nerve may be functioning before the surgery but is so damaged that the stress of the surgery either permanently or temporarily causes facial paralysis.
2. As the surgeon removes the tumor, it slowly tugs on the tumor which causes stress on the nerves. The closer the surgeon gets to the nerve, the more potential stress on the nerves. The surgeons tries to minimize this impact and use many considerations for determining the proximity to the nerve. A nerve that has sufficient damage prior to the start of surgery, the surgeon may prefer NOT to remove the tumor near the nerve, however other factors such as the vascularity of the tumor may dictate the approach.
3. The surgeon may purposely remove the facial nerve. For example, in my case, my tumor was 4 5 cm, and the facial nerve was heavily damaged prior to surgery, and due to the vascularity of the tumor, it was decided, during the 17.5 hour surgery, to remove the facial nerve, due to the vascularity of my tumor.. NOT all tumors are the same and the vascularity and stickiness of the tumor may dictate different approaches.
For me, I picked the neurosurgeon and trusted his judgment on the ENT. I sincerely wish you all the best. The reason for selecting one of the high volume centers is so they have experience with all the factors that are NOT obvious from the internet. You have clearly selected one of the best, so you are in great hands. Best wishes, and these doctors are truly amazing..