Author Topic: Hey everybody I made it...  (Read 8737 times)

Jim Scott

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Re: Hey everybody I made it...
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2006, 04:15:29 pm »

Congratulations on your two-week postie status!

There is no definite gauge for AN surgery recuperation as, not only are our bodies, healing abilities and level of nerve damage (if any) quite different, but I believe that even our attitudes and expectations can play a part in the healing process, for better or worse.

I had a relatively huge (4.5cm) AN removed (Retrosigmoid Approach) and, I'm pleased to report, I suffered no nerve damage (thanks to nerve monitoring and a very expert neurosurgeon).  While I did lose my hearing on the 'tumor side', (pre-op) it only took me a few months to return to full function.  I was given my doctors O.K. to drive just four weeks post-op and I was pretty much back to 'normal' within 6 weeks.   I can tell you that it took close to 10 days for the effects of the anesthesia, steroids and other drugs to 'wear off' and I was weak from lying and sitting so much the 4 days I was hospitalized, so I needed a few weeks to get my strength back.  Eventually, I did.

Now, 5 months 'out' (of surgery) I'm doing fine.  They removed about 50% of the tumor with surgery and I underwent 26 'fractionalized' (low-dose) radiation treatments in September and October, intended to kill the tumor DNA so it won't grow back.  I'll have a 'fresh' MRI scan in a month or so to establish a baseline to check against future MRI scans I'll be getting every 6 months for the next few years to keep tabs on the tumor and be alerted if it does ever begin to re-grow, which I've been repeatedly assured by both my neurosurgeon and oncology radiologist is a very remote possibility.  We'll see.

Meanwhile, at two weeks post-op, you sound as if you're doing quite well.  As all have said; don't overdo it and don't compare your recovery to anyone else, whether good or not-so-good.   There are some unfortunate AN surgery outcomes related on this board but some AN patients have done even better than I have, in terms of the speed and totality of their recovery.  I'm not exactly the same as I was pre-surgery, but I'm darn close.  My wife estimates that I'm about 95% 'back to normal'.  I tend to agree.  However, this is 20 weeks (5 months) after surgery and with no immediate nerve problems, post-op.

As a native New Yorker (born and raised on Long Island) I was impatient to get back to where I was before I ever heard of an Acoustic Neuroma.  I've managed to just about get there - in under six months.  However, even with having excellent health pre-op (well, except for that 'thing' in my head), no nerve damage during surgery and a vigorous and determined self-rehab 'program', post-op, to regain my balance, I'm still not and likely never will be exactly the same as I was a year ago, before the AN symptoms made themselves glaringly apparent. I doubt any AN patient ever is.  AN surgery is major surgery and it always takes a toll, before: as the growing tumor presses on vital nerves, and after, as our bodies try to recuperate from having our skull cut open and 'disturbed' in a place where crucial nerves reside and where any disturbance is magnified and usually has long-lasting effects.       

We survived that surgery and, I believe, you are well on your way to complete recovery.  As others have stated and I'll echo:  most post-op 'issues' resolve themselves in time.  Knowing that, I trust you'll be heartened as your recuperation continues.

Now, get some rest.  ;)



4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: Hey everybody I made it...
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2006, 10:09:59 pm »
Thanks for all the well wishes.  So far the two main things I'm dealing with are walking and depression.  Actually, it's more of an anxiety.  I'm getting the panic attacks that I was getting before the surgery.  For some odd reason I keep thinking that I should be able to walk without any problems by now.  I think I'm expecting way too much right now.


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Re: Hey everybody I made it...
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2006, 07:26:34 am »
please tell your doctor about the anxiety and depression.  it is real.  they can help with medicine.  it saved my life.  patti
4 cm AN removed 12/2000
subsequent brain swelling
removal of part of cerebellum
face, scalp,tongue numbness and partial paralysis
no corneal sensation and no tears-frequent eye issues
cognitive issues
Regrowth (3.1 x ..86 cm) treated by SRS on November 6, 2015


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Re: Hey everybody I made it...
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2006, 09:57:56 am »
It will get better but two weeks is too soon. Just Rest and let the incision site heal. Laying flat and watching out for anything out of the ordinary is important for now. I remember just wanting the days to pass quickly so I played a lot of PS2 and just watched a great deal of television. Rent movies and create a diversion. I would try to avoid work and driving for maybe six weeks if possible. Take time to perform vestibular exercises. I have a link that might help. I will look for that. Eat right and drink plenty of fresh spring water. You may be depressed because you're thinking that this is the best it's gonna get but it isn't. It's difficult to put a time frame on recovering but the nurses in the hospital told me to allow one week of recovery for each day spent in the hospital. I guess four to six weeks but complete healing happens slowly over months. With proper rest for the first few weeks then the proper exercises little by little you will notice small noticable improvments.


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Re: Hey everybody I made it...
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2006, 12:56:48 pm »
FlyersFan68 you are right on!  A day out of the hospital my brother brought over Tiger Woods 2007 and I've been playing that on the PS2 since then.  I'm also watching tons of television.  I think my depression comes mainly from thinking that this is the best it's going to be and what the future will bring for me.  Then the anxiety starts and it seems to snowball.  I'm only going on 3 weeks post surgery so I guess I'm doing pretty well.  All you guys posting stuff helps me out so much!  It's really positive to read other people's stories and to get good feedback from everyone.