It's only been 4 months since my surgery so I don't have long-term results to share. But these are good tips for getting through the day!
1) Straws... Amen to that! I go through them quickly at home (I got 200 of the cool bendy kind from Target, only $1). Plus I get an extra packaged one from every fast food place. I also carry a few everywhere, in the car, in the diaper bag, in my purse, in my desk at work, etc.
2) I put my "good" ear towards the person I want to listen to. Sitting on my "bad" side is an insult, ha! Minimize backgrond noise as much as possible; I notice a big difference when the TV is off, stove fan, multiple conversations, etc. When asleep, I put my good ear on the pillow and you know what, my husband doesn't have a snoring problem anymore!
3) Walk, walk more and walk longer. It's still difficult for me, I'm almost sweaty by the time I get from my car to my office but my vestibular nerve gets a good workout. I walk in different heel heights, different heel shapes, even looking pavement (it always has cracks or something to baffle me), different routes, stairs, etc. My comfort zone is very un-comfortable.
4) Early on, I wore an eye patch because it eliminated the double vision and having to protect my eye (plus, I got sympathy from strangers). However, I found that my depth perception was way off. Just be careful on stairs, while driving, etc.
5) Sonicare... another Amen. I've used it for years and my dental hygienist and DDS say that my teeth are very clean. Chewing on my tumor side is uncoordinated at best, food doesn't taste right, and bits get lost too easily (I find them hours later, eeeww!).
Good luck--