Author Topic: Had GK 1 week ago  (Read 1858 times)


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Had GK 1 week ago
« on: April 19, 2017, 01:09:16 pm »
I am one week post op for GK, I am feeling great other than I tire easily and occasional nausea.  For the first couple of days I was light headed and had a headache other than that everything is going pretty easy.  I did try going back to boxing class 5 days after and could only get through 1/2 of the class, my doctor said no restrictions but my body says differently lol.  Did any of you have a pulsating sound in your ear after? it's a little better now or I have just gotten use to it. I had a hard time sleeping at first because it was so loud, something I never had before.  Oh and one more thing.... it was not a painless procedure, I didn't feel the GK at all but the head gear that was put on was TERRIBLE! maybe my Dr. was just rough but the numbing shot and the screws caused tears to run down my face. I  think I am pretty tough and can handle pain but that was not an easy one.  I think the pain was much worse when they took it off, the ride home was terrible due to the pain in my head, my Dr. said to take tylenol which didn't touch it.  I called him when I got home and he gave me a couple pain meds, I went to sleep and was fine when I woke up.  Follow up in June fingers crossed it worked because I never want to go through that again.